Thursday, September 3, 2009

Turning a Corner..

So i guess I'm going keep this blog to help me get all my thoughts from the day out of my mind or just save them for later. I know it won't be like a chore to me because i love writing. I keep at least 2 real journals going at once but i haven't written in them in a while just because i haven't really had any inspiration or time to keep them going. I always write in them when something big happens in my life though. Its therapeutic to me to just take all my ideas and put them into something that i can look back on. Plus its always good to just clear your mind and writing just does that for me, along with music.

Alright well this week we've had an artist in residence, Brooke Lombardi. I mean i'll be honest we've had some pretty bizzare artists come in to talk to our class in the past so i wasnt emencly looking forward to having her in our class for a whole week. All i could envision was the absolute wack job that came in to our class one day last year, but if she stayed for a whole week i probably would have ripped my hair out. Its not that i have anything against artists, i think for the most part i appriciate all creative people who express themselves. I just really dislike irrogant, cocky people who talk like they know it all and done it all. I also dont appriciate being talked to like i know nothing about life. I know i'm only in high school and i have alot to learn about things but i've been through alot of challenges and i've learned a whole freaking lot in my whoping 16 years. Almost 17 years now :D September 21 to be exact. Although, i wish i was turning 18. Such a monumental age. Turning 17 just means you can go to R rated movies legally and drive with more than 1 person in the car (both of which i already do haha).

Anyway, back to Brooke, having her in class taught me so much about my art and myself really. I realized how much i really do love art and how i think thats what i want to do in life. I actually started thinking about going to art school this week. Which to be honest, I havent considered at all really in my "college planning". I put it in quotations because i really wouldent call it planning at all. All i've been doing is teedering back and forth on what i want to do with my life. Honestly, all i want in life is to be happy in what i do and to have people around me that i love and love me in return. I know it sounds so cilche, and maybe it is but honestly i've never had one job that i've always wanted to be when i grow up. I've always dabbled in different professions that i would enjoy doing- marine biology is one but i found out later in jr. high that they make little to no money, and that you actually have to be good at math to go on to do major in that. Then i wanted to be a photographer, but reality lead me to learn that to actually be a successful photographer you have to be EXTREMLY talented, and know lots and lots of people. I guess if i really really put my mind to it i could do that i just doubt myself alot. Espescially when i think of my artwork. I've really never been confident and when i was told that my work was exceptional and that people actually liked it, I didnt believe it. It wasnt until i started looking at famous photographers work, Annie Lebowitz in particular. I started to think, I could do this, maybe i am actually good. It was so foreign for me to actually be told that I'm good at something. I do sports, Lacrosse and Basketball, but I'm not the star player or even a descent player at either of them. I mostly do alot of sitting and thinking and laughing with teamates and just cheering everyone else on. To be honest though, I'm fine with that. I dont like being put on the spot and being out there where i'm vulnerable to fall down, be defeated, be blamed. I dont like it, i really dont. I wish my parents would understand that though. The exercises that Brooke had us do gave me some confidence and ideas and most of all inspiration. I'm actually excited to produce work and show what i can do. I guess all i need is someone to inspire me. Someone to idolize. Brooke was that person for me. Some of the things she said stayed in my head for the rest of the day. I was genuinly interested in what she said and all the beautiful work she did. I hope that one day i can be like her. I guess when i grow up i want to be like Brooke Lumbardi, a successful artist and teacher with a loving family. Maybe i could.