Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bucket List

Watching the buried life is making me want to make a bucket list for myself. Hopefully i can go through with most if not all of the things on my list.

write a book
have a sit down meal with a homeless person
live on a boat for a week
go sailing
blow glass
go to Africa
live like an Indian in a tee pee with fire and no electricity
kiss someone in a candlelit bathtub
visit all of Italy
go to china
go camping for a week
see roloff farm
go zip lining in a rainforest
go on a road trip with friends
see Ireland
look up the McNamara family in Ireland
swim with dolphins
go bungee jumping
go ice skating on a frozen body of water
take a pole dancing class
go to Spain
watch the sunrise on top of a building
grow a complete vegetable and fruit garden
ride an elephant
make my own ring
write a blog
learn how to make all the recipes in a cookbook
gamble in Las Vegas
go vegan for a month
go to 10000 lakes festival
go to Rothbury
go to Lollapolluza
go longboarding in San Francisco
see the ball drop in time square
go scuba diving
go horseback riding in the mountains
see Niagara falls
take pictures every day for a year
have lasic eye surgery
make my own clothing
jump off a cliff (into water)
get an entire outfit from a vintage store
eat a croissant in a cafe in Paris
read a new book every month
stay in a haunted hotel one night (hotel that inspired steven king for the shining)
kiss in the rain
go skinny dipping in the ocean
swim with a whale shark
see Sydney Australia and walk across the crazy bridge
have sex on an airplane